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No worries, we’ve got you covered.
If your loan application is rejected, you can find out why and work on improving your credit score or financial situation. You might also consider applying to a different bank or financial institution with different eligibility criteria or loan products that fit your needs better. Seeking advice from a financial advisor or credit counsellor could also help improve your financial situation for future loan applications.
Bank loans might not be the best option if you need cash urgently as their approval process is usually longer and may require more documentation. However, some banks and financial institutions offer personal loans with quick approval and disbursement of funds. It's important to compare different loan options, including interest rates, fees, and repayment terms, before deciding.
Late payment on bank loans can result in late payment fees, additional interest charges, and a negative impact on your credit score. It could also lead to legal action, such as a lawsuit or repossession of collateral for secured loans. Making payments on time and in full can help you avoid these consequences and maintain a good credit score.
Repaying a bank loan before the due date can have several benefits. It can reduce the amount of interest paid over the life of the loan, improve your credit score, and help save money on interest charges. However, it's important to check with the bank for any early repayment fees or penalties before making an early repayment.
Banks provide different types of loans, such as personal loans, mortgage loans, car loans, and business loans. Personal loans are versatile and don't require collateral, while mortgage loans are secured and are used to buy or refinance property. Car loans finance the purchase of a vehicle, and business loans are used for financing business operations or expansion.
You will also need to provide documents such as proof of identity (e.g. Hong Kong ID card or passport), proof of income (e.g. salary slips or tax returns), and collateral for some loans. However, some banks may have different or extra requirements for loan applications.
The required supporting documents for loan applications can be different based on the lender and the type of loan you are applying for. In general, the following documents are typically required when applying for a loan:
1. Identity Proof: This could be in the form of a Hong Kong ID card or a passport.
2. Proof of Income: This may include a salary statement, bank statement, or tax returns.
3. Proof of Address: This might involve providing a utility bill or a bank statement.
4. Proof of Employment: This could entail an employment contract or a letter from your employer.
5. Collateral Documents: If the loan requires collateral, you will need to provide documents related to the collateral, such as a property deed or a vehicle registration.
The process for a loan application from banks differs, and it usually depends on the bank and the type of loan you are applying. However, some common steps include comparing loan options, checking the eligibility criteria and required documents for the chosen loan, submitting the loan application form and required documents to the bank, waiting for the bank to process the application. If the bank approves your application, then you will need to sign the loan agreement to receive the funds.
The loan application process from banks usually lasts several days to a few weeks, depending on the loan type, lender, and your financial situation. Personal loans, which usually have a more straightforward process, can often be approved in as little as one hour. Meanwhile, complex mortgage loans could take up to 60 days.
Some banks offer faster approval times for certain channels, such as online and in-App applications. Keep in mind that the loan application process may take longer if your credit history or financial situation is complicated.
When you’re applying for bank loans in Hong Kong, it is important to first consider these factors - (i) Annual Percentage Rate (APR) and fees, (ii) loan amount and repayment terms, (iii) prerequisites for application and required documents, (iv) credit history and credit score, (v) the ability to repay and financial stability, and (vi) penalties for late payments or early repayment. You should compare loan options from different banks and choose the one that aligns best with your needs and financial situation.
Bank loans and loans from lending companies are different in terms of interest rates, loan amount, eligibility criteria, repayment terms, and the application process:
Bank Loans |
Lending Company Loans |
Interest Rates |
Generally lower |
Generally higher |
Loan Approval Process |
More strict |
More lenient |
Requirements |
More strict |
More flexible |
Collateral |
Required for some loans |
Often unsecured |
Repayment Terms |
Less flexible |
More flexible |
Customer Service |
Personalized |
Less personalized |
Loan Amount |
Higher depending on collateral |
Lower |
Loan Purpose |
More strict |
More flexible |
Loan product | Repayment period | Highest APR | Example |
Promise Easy Loan | 3 Months - 84 Months | 4.49% or above, the highest is 48% | Loan amount of HK$200,000 with a 36-month repayment period, at an APR of 4.49%, the monthly repayment amount is HK$5,940, and a total repayment amount of HK$213,840 |
PrimeCredit Fixed Loan | 3 Months - 72 Months | 1.18% or above,the highest is 48% | The monthly repayment amount is HK$839, the total interest expense is HK$68, and the total repayment amount is HK$10,068 for a Loan amount of HK$10,000 with an interest rate of 0.6% per annum and a repayment period of 12 months |
WeLend Personal Loan | 3 Months - 84 Months | 1.88% or above, the highest is 48% | Loan amount of of HK$240,000 with a 36-month repayment period, at an APR of 3.03%, the total repayment amount is HK$251,189 |
DBS Debt Consolidation Loan | 3 Months - 84 Months | 6.38% or above, the highest is 30.57% |
Loan amount of HK$200,000 with a 48-month repayment period, at an APR of 10.42%, inclusive of a 2% loan opening fee, a monthly repayment amount of HK$4,967, and a total interest expense of HK$38,416
UA「NO SHOW」Personal Loan | 3 Months - 60 Months | 1.68% or above, the highest is 48.00% | Loan amount of HK$10,000, at an APR of 30%, 6 months instalment, the monthly repayment amount is HK$1,815, total repayment of HK$10,890 |
Standard Chartered Personal Instalment Loan | 12 Months - 60 Months | 1.85% or above, the highest is 36% | Loan amount of HK$200,000 with a 24-month repayment period, at an APR of 6.28%, the monthly repayment amount is HK$8,873.33 repayment per month and a total interest expense of HK$12,960 |
CNCBI $mart Plus Personal Instalment Loan | 12 Months - 72 Months | 1.65% or above, the highest is 38.08% | Loan amount of HK$200,000 with a 24-month repayment period, at an APR of 5.03%, handling fee of 1% of loan amount per annum, handling fee of HK$4,000 for the whole term, flat rate per month: 0.129%, total interest for the whole period of HK$6,192 |
Citi Speedy Cash Personal Loan | 6 Months - 60 Months | 1.78% or above, the highest is 35.78% | Loan amount of HK$3,500,000 with a 12-month repayment period, at an APR as low as 1.78% |
PrimeCredit Civil Servant & Professional Loan | 3 Months - 72 Months | 1.18% or above, the highest is 48% | Loan amount of HK$10,000 with a 12-month repayment period, at an interest rate of 0.6% per annum, the monthly repayment amount is HK$839, the total interest expense is HK$68, and the total repayment amount is HK$10,068 |
CNCBI $mart Plus Personal Installment Loan - Debt Consolidation | 12 Months - 60 Months | 7.33% or above, the highest is 38.08% | Loan amount of HK$20,000 with a 60-month repayment period, at an APR of 6.89%, fixed monthly fee of 0.20%, inclusive of 1% handling fee per annum, monthly repayment amount is HK$373 |
BOC Express Cash Instalment Loan Balance Transfer | 12 Months - 60 Months | 5.93% or above, the highest is 32.51%。 | Loan amount of HK$20,000 with a 24-month repayment period, at an APR of 10.01%, inclusive of 1% handling fee per annum, monthly repayment amount is HK$9,173 |
CCB (Asia) Personal Instalment Loan | 6 Months - 60 Months | 1.56% or above, the highest is 13.00% | Loan amount of HK$400,000 with a repayment period of 60 months, with a monthly repayment amount of HK$7,747 |
WeLend Card Debt Consolidation Loan | 3 Months - 84 Months | 1.88% or above, the highest is 48% | Loan amount of HK$360,000 with a repayment period of 60 months, at an APR of 8.05%, and the total repayment amount is HK$422,578 |
PrimeCredit Balance Transfer Loan | 3 Months - 72 Months | 1.18% or above, the highest is 48% | Loan amount of HK$10,000 with a repayment period of 12 months, at an interest rate of 0.6% per annum, the monthly repayment amount is HK$839, the total interest expense is HK$68, and the total repayment amount is HK$10,068 |
AEON Flexi Loan | 6 Months - 60 Months | 4.49% or above, the highest is 36% | Loan amount of HK$600,000 with a repayment period of 12 months, at an APR of 4.49%, total interest of HK$14,400 and total repayment of HK$614,400. |
Hang Seng Debt Consolidation Instalment Loan | 6 Months - 72 Months | 6.68% or above, the highest is 36% | Loan amount of HK$150,000 with a repayment period of 72 months, at an APR of 4.63%, and a total loan repayment amount of HK$171,604.80. |
UA i-Money Express Online Personal Loan | 3 Months - 60 Months | 1.68% or above, the highest is 36% | Loan amount of HK$10,000 with a repayment period of 6 months, at an APR of 30%, a monthly repayment amount of HK$1,815, and a total repayment amount of HK$10,890 |
Promise Easy Loan | 3 Months - 84 Months | 1.12% or above, the highest is 48% | Loan amount of HK$200,000 with a repayment period of 36 months, at an APR of 4.49%, a monthly repayment amount is HK$5,940 and a total repayment amount of HK$213,840 |
CreFIT ClearCard Debt | 3 Months - 24 Months | 1.98% or above, the highest is 36% | Loan amount of HK$200,000 with a repayment period of 24 months, at an APR of 8%, a monthly repayment amount is HK$9,019.33 and a total repayment amount of HK$16,464.00 |
OCBC Bank Personal Loan | 6 Months - 60 Months | 2.16% or above, the highest is 36% | Loan amount of HK$1,500,000 with a repayment period of 12 months, at an APR of 2.16% (including HK$9,000 cash rebate) or 3.30% (excluding cash rebate), inclduing the annual 1% handing fee, total repayment amount is HK$16,464.00 |
If you are in search of the perfect bank loan, we’ve got you covered with our top recommendations for each loan category. From the offer with the lowest APR to the one with the highest rebates, we’ve identified the best bank loan products that suit your needs.
Disclaimer: MoneyHero makes every effort to keep information on our website accurate and up-to-date. This information may be different from what you see when you visit a financial institution or service provider’s site. APR and monthly payments shown in personal instalment loan comparison pages are estimated based on calculation of information you enter. All financial products and services are presented without warranty. When evaluating offers, please review the financial institution’s Terms and Conditions. If you find discrepancies in information, please contact the financial institution directly.
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