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The interest rates offered by lending companies are generally higher than those offered by banks due to one main factor: risk assessment.
Lending companies typically have higher interest rates compared to banks owing to several factors. They primarily serve borrowers with lower credit scores or limited credit history, making them higher-risk candidates. To compensate for this elevated risk, lending companies charge higher interest rates as a precaution against potential losses.
Yes. If you cannot provide traditional income proof, you may explore alternative options or other lenders that cater to individuals with non-traditional income sources. These lenders may consider other factors, such as your assets, savings, or business revenue, as a basis for evaluating your repayment capacity.
Yes. In some cases, lending companies may accept proof of address in alternative forms, such as utility bills in family member's name at the same address with the proof of relationship, or a letter from your employer confirming your address. Each lending company may have its specific requirements and policies regarding address proof, so it's advisable to contact them directly to inquire about their options.
In most cases, no, but there may be some exceptions. It's advisable to contact lending companies directly to inquire about their specific requirements and whether they have alternative options available for those without their identity card as proof.
Same as borrowing money from a bank, the consequences of late payment for lending companies depend on the terms and conditions in the agreement.
Lending companies typically impose late payment fees when borrowers fail to make their loan payments on time. These fees can vary in amount and may be a fixed fee or a percentage of the overdue payment.
If you consistently fail to make your loan payments on time, the lending company may initiate collection efforts to recover the overdue amount. This can involve contacting you via phone, email, or mail to request payment. In some cases, lending companies may engage debt collection agencies to recover the outstanding debt.
In extreme cases of non-payment, lending companies may pursue legal action to recover the unpaid amount. This can result in additional costs, such as legal fees, and may have long-term consequences on your credit history.
To protect loan applicants, the licensing of money lenders and regulation of money-lending transactions are governed by the Money Lenders Ordinance, Chapter 163 of the Laws of Hong Kong.It sets out licensing requirements for money lenders and establishes rules on interest rates, fees, advertising, and debt collection practices.
Both APR and Monthly Flat Rate are common terms that will appear when looking for a loan. The APR represents the total cost of borrowing over a year, expressed as a percentage. It includes the nominal interest rate, as well as any additional fees or charges associated with the loan. The APR allows you to compare the cost of loans from different lenders on an annualised basis. It takes into account the interest rate, processing fees, administrative charges, and other costs, providing a more accurate representation of the true cost of the loan.
The Monthly Flat Rate, also known as the flat interest rate, is the interest charged on the loan amount every month. It is expressed as a percentage of the loan principal. The Monthly Flat Rate does not include additional fees or charges associated with the loan. It is a straightforward representation of the interest component of the loan repayment.
When comparing loan offers, you should consider the APR as it gives a more comprehensive view of the total cost of the loan. It considers both the interest rate and any additional fees or charges, providing a more accurate measure of the loan's overall cost. The APR allows you to compare loans with different interest rates and fees on an equal basis.
Lending companies, also known as money lenders, play a significant role in providing individuals in Hong Kong with access to much-needed funds. Lending companies serve as alternative sources of financing to traditional banks, offering a range of loan products with different features and terms. They typically have streamlined application processes, allowing you to apply for loans quickly and conveniently. This is particularly beneficial for individuals seeking prompt financial assistance.
Lending companies in Hong Kong typically offer a variety of loan products to cater to the diverse financial needs of individuals. While the specific loan products may vary among different lending companies, here are some common types of loans:
Personal loans are one of the most common loan products offered by lending companies in Hong Kong. These loans are typically unsecured and can be used for various personal expenses such as a car, home renovations, travel, education.
Many lending companies also offer debt consolidation loans. Debt consolidation loans are specifically designed to help borrowers simplify their finances by combining multiple debts into a single loan. This type of loan allows borrowers to pay off their existing debts and consolidate them into one monthly payment, often with a lower interest rate and more favourable terms.
To support the financial needs of businesses, lending companies in Hong Kong also provide business loans. The money borrowed can be used for working capital, business expansion, purchasing equipment or inventory, or covering operational expenses.
All legitimate lending companies hold the same type of money lender licence, their money-lending transactions are regulated by the Money Lenders Ordinance, Chapter 163 of the Laws of Hong Kong. There is no official classification into first-tier and second-tier lending companies, the “tiers” is just a colloquial term to identify different money lenders' company scale, application channels and approval requirements.
In general, "second-tier" lending companies refer to those holding "lender licences" but are not members of the TransUnion Money Lenders Membership Programme and are smaller in scale. While "first-tier" usually means larger firms that are members of TU, they have stricter borrowing conditions based on credit ratings.
"Second-tier" lending companies do not check your TU rating before approving loans, making it easier to get approved. But the interest rates on these loans may be much higher. Your application and repayment records do not have any impact on your TU credit ratings.
When it comes to applying for loans, borrowers often have the option of approaching either lending companies or banks. While both serve as sources of financing, there are notable differences between the two. Understanding these distinctions can help borrowers choose the most suitable option for their specific needs and circumstances.
Lending Company Loans |
Bank Loans |
Interest Rates |
Generally higher |
Generally lower |
Loan Approval Process |
More lenient |
More strict |
Requirements |
More flexible |
More strict |
Collateral |
Often unsecured |
Required for some loans |
Repayment Terms |
More flexible |
Less flexible |
Customer Service |
Less personalized |
Personalized |
Loan Amount |
Lower |
Higher depending on collateral |
Loan Purpose |
More flexible |
More strict |
The highest amount that lending companies in Hong Kong can provide as a loan depends on several factors, including the lending company's policies, the borrower's creditworthiness, and the purpose of the loan. For instance, higher creditworthiness generally means higher amounts, while lower credit scores can affect the eligibility of the loan.
Generally, lending companies in Hong Kong offer varying loan limits, and the maximum loan amount can range from thousands to millions of Hong Kong dollars.
When choosing a financial institution, there are various elements to consider before determining which one is best for you.
Legitimacy: It's essential to ensure that the company is legitimate and authorised to provide loans. Check if the lending company has the valid money lender's licence issued by the government. You can usually find this information on their website or Company Registry.
Your Requirements: Determine the purpose of the loan, the desired loan amount, and the repayment terms that would be most suitable for your financial situation. Remember to compare several different institutions to see which one offers the best interest rates, fees, and repayment terms.
Recommendations and Reviews: When your list of potential lenders has been narrowed down, seek recommendations from trusted sources, such as friends, family, or financial advisors, who may have experience with borrowing from these companies. Additionally, read customer reviews and testimonials to gauge the experiences of other borrowers with the company.
Terms and Conditions: Ensure that the interest rates, fees, penalties, and repayment schedules align with your financial goals and capabilities. Choose a company that provides clear and transparent information about their loan products and avoid companies that withhold or provide vague information.
While lending companies may charge higher interest rates and fees compared to banks, they also provide a range of advantages over traditional bank loans.
Lending companies tend to be more lenient in loan approval. That means even if you don't have a great credit score or much of a credit history, you might still be able to get a loan. If you only need a small amount of money and don't want to go through a long process to get it, some lending companies may offer smaller loans without the need to consult your credit history.
Working fast is one of the advantages lending companies provide. They often streamline their application processes, making it convenient and hassle-free. Many of them offer online applications, reducing the paperwork and time involved in getting a loan. The quick approval can be really helpful if you have an emergency or need money in a hurry.
Furthermore, they are flexible. Whether you require a small sum for a minor expense or a larger amount for a significant investment, you can often choose how long you want to take to pay back the loan, making it adaptable to your varying financial needs.
In today's dynamic financial landscape, money lending companies have become increasingly popular as a source of financial assistance. With a multitude of lenders in the market, each offering its own unique loan products, it can be challenging to determine which one is the best fit for your needs. From personal loans to business financing and debt consolidation options, money lending companies provide a wide array of choices to suit different requirements.
As financial needs can emerge unexpectedly, lending companies offer competitive rates as well as round-the-clock availability, ensuring that assistance is readily available whenever it is needed. Whether it's an unexpected expense, a business opportunity, or personal consumption, lending companies such as Promise, Aeon, PrimeCredit, and WeLend often offer the best rates while understanding the importance of quick and convenient access to funds.
When it comes to borrowing money, finding a lending company that offers the most flexible repayment periods can make a significant difference in managing your finances. Lending company loans with flexible repayment options include PrimeCredit Fixed Loan, AEON Flexi Personal Loan Scheme, and UA i-Money Express Online Personal Loan, etc., you can find the ideal loan that fits your financial goals.
Securing a loan without the need for traditional income proof can be a game-changer for individuals who have income sources that are difficult to verify or who are self-employed. If you fall into these categories and are in need of a loan, consider exploring options such as the UA "NO SHOW" Personal Loan, Cashing Pro Fast Personal Loan, and WeLend Personal Loan.These lenders provide waivers for income proof requirements, making it easier for self-employed individuals or those with irregular income streams to secure a loan.
When it comes to accessing significant funds for major expenses or investments, finding lending companies that offer the highest loan amounts can be crucial. Whether you're looking to fund a home renovation, expand your business, or cover educational expenses, K Cash, WeLend, and AEON offer generous loan limits of HK$1 million or above to accommodate your financial needs.
When seeking loans, having a poor credit history or a low credit score can often lead to obstacles when it comes to securing financing. However, there are lending companies that offer loans without relying on TransUnion (TU) score. CreFIT and Grantit do not use TU for loan approvals, helping those with less-than-perfect credit to find suitable loan options and access the funds they need.
Loan product | Repayment period | Highest APR | Example |
Promise Easy Loan | 3 Months - 84 Months | 4.49% or above, the highest is 48% | Loan amount of HK$200,000 with a 36-month repayment period, at an APR of 4.49%, the monthly repayment amount is HK$5,940, and a total repayment amount of HK$213,840 |
PrimeCredit Fixed Loan | 3 Months - 72 Months | 1.18% or above,the highest is 48% | The monthly repayment amount is HK$839, the total interest expense is HK$68, and the total repayment amount is HK$10,068 for a Loan amount of HK$10,000 with an interest rate of 0.6% per annum and a repayment period of 12 months |
WeLend Personal Loan | 3 Months - 84 Months | 1.88% or above, the highest is 48% | Loan amount of of HK$240,000 with a 36-month repayment period, at an APR of 3.03%, the total repayment amount is HK$251,189 |
DBS Debt Consolidation Loan | 3 Months - 84 Months | 6.38% or above, the highest is 30.57% |
Loan amount of HK$200,000 with a 48-month repayment period, at an APR of 10.42%, inclusive of a 2% loan opening fee, a monthly repayment amount of HK$4,967, and a total interest expense of HK$38,416
UA「NO SHOW」Personal Loan | 3 Months - 60 Months | 1.68% or above, the highest is 48.00% | Loan amount of HK$10,000, at an APR of 30%, 6 months instalment, the monthly repayment amount is HK$1,815, total repayment of HK$10,890 |
Standard Chartered Personal Instalment Loan | 12 Months - 60 Months | 1.85% or above, the highest is 36% | Loan amount of HK$200,000 with a 24-month repayment period, at an APR of 6.28%, the monthly repayment amount is HK$8,873.33 repayment per month and a total interest expense of HK$12,960 |
CNCBI $mart Plus Personal Instalment Loan | 12 Months - 72 Months | 1.65% or above, the highest is 38.08% | Loan amount of HK$200,000 with a 24-month repayment period, at an APR of 5.03%, handling fee of 1% of loan amount per annum, handling fee of HK$4,000 for the whole term, flat rate per month: 0.129%, total interest for the whole period of HK$6,192 |
Citi Speedy Cash Personal Loan | 6 Months - 60 Months | 1.78% or above, the highest is 35.78% | Loan amount of HK$3,500,000 with a 12-month repayment period, at an APR as low as 1.78% |
PrimeCredit Civil Servant & Professional Loan | 3 Months - 72 Months | 1.18% or above, the highest is 48% | Loan amount of HK$10,000 with a 12-month repayment period, at an interest rate of 0.6% per annum, the monthly repayment amount is HK$839, the total interest expense is HK$68, and the total repayment amount is HK$10,068 |
CNCBI $mart Plus Personal Installment Loan - Debt Consolidation | 12 Months - 60 Months | 7.33% or above, the highest is 38.08% | Loan amount of HK$20,000 with a 60-month repayment period, at an APR of 6.89%, fixed monthly fee of 0.20%, inclusive of 1% handling fee per annum, monthly repayment amount is HK$373 |
BOC Express Cash Instalment Loan Balance Transfer | 12 Months - 60 Months | 5.93% or above, the highest is 32.51%。 | Loan amount of HK$20,000 with a 24-month repayment period, at an APR of 10.01%, inclusive of 1% handling fee per annum, monthly repayment amount is HK$9,173 |
CCB (Asia) Personal Instalment Loan | 6 Months - 60 Months | 1.56% or above, the highest is 13.00% | Loan amount of HK$400,000 with a repayment period of 60 months, with a monthly repayment amount of HK$7,747 |
WeLend Card Debt Consolidation Loan | 3 Months - 84 Months | 1.88% or above, the highest is 48% | Loan amount of HK$360,000 with a repayment period of 60 months, at an APR of 8.05%, and the total repayment amount is HK$422,578 |
PrimeCredit Balance Transfer Loan | 3 Months - 72 Months | 1.18% or above, the highest is 48% | Loan amount of HK$10,000 with a repayment period of 12 months, at an interest rate of 0.6% per annum, the monthly repayment amount is HK$839, the total interest expense is HK$68, and the total repayment amount is HK$10,068 |
AEON Flexi Loan | 6 Months - 60 Months | 4.49% or above, the highest is 36% | Loan amount of HK$600,000 with a repayment period of 12 months, at an APR of 4.49%, total interest of HK$14,400 and total repayment of HK$614,400. |
Hang Seng Debt Consolidation Instalment Loan | 6 Months - 72 Months | 6.68% or above, the highest is 36% | Loan amount of HK$150,000 with a repayment period of 72 months, at an APR of 4.63%, and a total loan repayment amount of HK$171,604.80. |
UA i-Money Express Online Personal Loan | 3 Months - 60 Months | 1.68% or above, the highest is 36% | Loan amount of HK$10,000 with a repayment period of 6 months, at an APR of 30%, a monthly repayment amount of HK$1,815, and a total repayment amount of HK$10,890 |
Promise Easy Loan | 3 Months - 84 Months | 1.12% or above, the highest is 48% | Loan amount of HK$200,000 with a repayment period of 36 months, at an APR of 4.49%, a monthly repayment amount is HK$5,940 and a total repayment amount of HK$213,840 |
CreFIT ClearCard Debt | 3 Months - 24 Months | 1.98% or above, the highest is 36% | Loan amount of HK$200,000 with a repayment period of 24 months, at an APR of 8%, a monthly repayment amount is HK$9,019.33 and a total repayment amount of HK$16,464.00 |
OCBC Bank Personal Loan | 6 Months - 60 Months | 2.16% or above, the highest is 36% | Loan amount of HK$1,500,000 with a repayment period of 12 months, at an APR of 2.16% (including HK$9,000 cash rebate) or 3.30% (excluding cash rebate), inclduing the annual 1% handing fee, total repayment amount is HK$16,464.00 |
Disclaimer: MoneyHero makes every effort to keep information on our website accurate and up-to-date. This information may be different from what you see when you visit a financial institution or service provider’s site. APR and monthly payments shown in personal instalment loan comparison pages are estimated based on calculation of information you enter. All financial products and services are presented without warranty. When evaluating offers, please review the financial institution’s Terms and Conditions. If you find discrepancies in information, please contact the financial institution directly.
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